Hi Everyone, as the convention season starts in full force, I had two days at home in NYCC before heading to San Juan and the Puerto Rico ComiCon. I attended this show with one of my artists, Mark Texeira, last year, and enjoyed it so much, that when they asked for Golden this year, to be their featured guest, how could I say no. The folks here treat us with such hospitality, the weather is wonderful, the rain forest is only a few miles away, the beaches are beautiful, and the food requires a few nights of salsa dancing to work it off. :-) My kinda place. One of these days, I'll even work in a bit of fishing. :-)
If you are in the area, pleaes stop by and see Golden and the other guests at the PRCC. The guys running the show are really creating something special here, and it's wonderful to be a part of it.
Michael Golden Named "Artist Guest of Honor" at the Puerto Rico ComiCon!
San Juan, PR--We are pleased to announce that Michael Golden has been named the Artist Guest of Honor for this weekend's premiere comics events in San Juan, PR--The Puerto Rico ComiCon!
"I'm very honored to be invited to attend the show this year," said Michael, "And meet my friends in Puerto Rico. I am also happy to see such a healthy community interested in sequential art here on the island. That is always gratifying."
Touted for his groundbreaking storytelling and cover construction, Golden is known for his unique art style that a various times seems detailed and at other times seems to be amazingly streamlined--cutting away the excess and maintaining the true essentials of a piece. These techniques, coupled with that signature storytelling construction garner him a legion of devotees that number not only comic readers, but other artists as well.
Co-creator of the X-Men's Rogue character, Golden's work has appeared in the 'Nam, Micronauts, G.I. Joe Yearbook, Dr. Strange, Nightwing, Detective, Heroes for Hire, Exiles, Demon's Regret and Iron Man among much more. Golden, modestly never says which is his own personal favorite project. However, according to one art dealer, "Everybody in the business has been influenced by Golden's Dr. Strange". Michael himself admits that more artists that say he has an influence on their illustration career, do single out that influential project.
Other milestones in Golden's career include the co-creation of Bucky O'Hare, witch led to an animated series and toy line designed by Michael, as well as Spartan X with Editor/Writer Renee Witterstaeter, who is also attending the show this year!
At the show, Mr. Golden will be sketching, signing books, and offering his new art book: "Michael Golden: More Heroes and Villains," to the fans at the PRCC!
The Puerto Rico Comic Con is THE premier entertainment event in Puerto Rico. A two day show with exhibitors and dealers of : Comics, Toys, Anime, Manga, Video games, Strategic and Card games, Movies, etc. This is the biggest comic convention in Puerto Rico, hands down!
Also, the event is a huge Cosplay gathering with hundreds of true fans dressed as their favorite characters. It is an event for the whole family!
When and where is the event?
The PRCC 2010 will on April 24 - 25, 2010 at the Puerto Rico Convention Center in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Doors open at 10:00 am to 7:00 pm on Saturday and from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm on Sunday.
Other guests joining Michael Golden at the convention include Chaske Spencer of "Twilight" fame, Kamui, Spike Spencer, Renee Witterstaetter, and many more. Past guests include Billy Dee Williams, Jeremy Bulloch, Peter Mayhew, Ray Park, Daniel Logan, Mark Texeira,Vic Mignogna,Kenneth Rokafort, Steve Kelly and Tom Beland, in the shows ever growing list.
For more information on the Puerto Rico ComiCon, visit: http://prcomiccon.squaresp
For more information on Michael Golden contact his agent at: evaink@aol.com