Taking place the weekend of March 16-18 (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday), WonderCon is coming off its best year ever, with over 49,000 attendees in its 25th annual event.
This year proves to be equally exciting. Here's a little about one of this year's invited guests, Michael Golden:

Dr. Strange, The 'Nam, Micronauts, Bucky O'Hare
Artist/writer/creator Michael Golden, co-creator of the X-Men's Rogue character, Spartan X, and Bucky O'Hare, is known for his groundbreaking work on The 'Nam, Micronauts, G.I. Joe, Dr. Strange, and numerous other characters and titles. He is counted as one of the best cover designers and storytellers in the business. Currently, Golden's work can be seen as the regular cover artist for Spawn, while future work includes a few secret projects for IDW and DC and the Spartan X trade paperback.
Michael will be located at table AA 060, along with writer, Renee Witterstaetter

X-Men Noir, Legion of Superheroes, Cowboys and Aliens
Dennis Calero is the award winning and internationally recognized artist of X-Men: Noir and Legion of Superheroes. His work includes 28 Days Later: The Aftermath, Cowboys and Aliens, Dark Tower, Fallen Angel, Hawkgirl, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Supergirl and the Legion of Superheroes, Magic The Gathering, Countdown to Final Crisis, Wolverine: First Class and JSA Classified. During his tenure on X-Factor the title was nominated for the Harvey Award for Best New Series (2006). Calero also co-founded Atomic Paintbrush, one of the first computer-coloring companies working in the comic-book field.
Dennis will be located at table AA 020
WonderCon will take place at the Anaheim Convention Center this year, which is within easy walking distance of Disneyland's free Downtown Disney district, featuring shopping and fine dining.
WonderCon itself offers attendees, professionals, and exhibitors the complete convention experience. In addition to the Exhibit Hall featuring comics and items from the many worlds of the popular arts, fans can expect exclusive programming from the top comics publishers in the country, movie and television panels, anime, autographs, games, the Masquerade, and portfolio review, providing one of the best conventions out there. With the change of venue to Anaheim in 2012, WonderCon is more than ever a "must-attend" event on the convention calendar, especially with the addition of the beautiful Anaheim Convention Center and surrounding area as a bonus to both long-time and new attendees. Make it a long late-winter weekend in Anaheim and visit WonderCon, then take in Disneyland right next door after the convention!
But for that first bit of "wonder," stop and visit Golden and Calero at the show!
For information on getting on the sketch list for this show contact Eva Ink Artist Group at: evaink@aol.com, or go to: www.evainkartistgroup.com
For more information on WonderCon go to: http://www.comic-con.org/wc/
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